(Gurs, History and Memory)
56 minutes, 2018
Director: Verónica SÁENZ GIMENEZ (Spain)
Production: Fernando YARZA, Anabel BELTRÁN, Asociación Fénix Aragón (Spain)
Gurs is more than a place. Located in France at the foot of the Pyrenees, near the town of Oloron-
Sainte-Marie, this refugee camp was built for people fleeing Spain (Spanish Republicans, International Brigade fighters) when General Franco took over power. During the Second World War Gurs became an internment camp. “Gurs, History and Memory” painstakingly records the oral history of those who spent time there, offering recognition to the victims of brutality and asking us to remember them all.
Verónica SÁENZ GIMENEZ took an on-line Master in film and HD technology, and a Master in script writing at Zaragossa’s vocational school CPA Salduie. She has worked on television series such as “Cuéntame cómo pasó”, “Los Serrano”, “Doctor Mateo”, “Con el culo al aire”, “Bajo Sospecha”, as well as two films “Truman” and “La mujer olvidada”. She has made several shorts: “Abuelitos”, “Y yo” about integrating deaf children in society, and “A vinos”. “Gurs, History and Memory” is her first documentary.