Mediterranean Center for Audiovisual Communication
Le CMCA is the principal oraganizer of PriMed.
Created in 1995, the CMCA, a non-governmental organization based in Marseilles, is a Mediterranean network of audiovisual cooperation. It brings together broadcasting groups but also audiovisual producers and actors of the Mediterranean basin.
The CMCA strove to establish the tools and structures essential to develop a space of exchange, open to all public or private audiovisual operators interested in the promotion of Mediterranean cultures.
Team |
VALERIE GERBAULT – General Delegate
PAOLA LANFRANCHI – PriMed Coordinator
FRANCO REVELLI – Hed of multimedia and screenings
5 Main points |
Today, the CMCA has decided to strengthen its actions through 5 main points:
PRODUCE : it encourages more particularly the production of documentary series. Thus, since 1991, several series have been created : Les Fantômes du monde sous-marin (Wrecks in the Mediterranean waters) ; Mémoires de l’eau (Problems and conflict concerning water management) ; Chroniques Méditerranéennes (Thematic series).
INSTRUCT : the CMCA proposes to its members documentary making workshops : a coordination and writing workshop for Chroniques Méditerranéennes participants, and a training workshop focusing on the making of archive-based documentary.
INFORM : from the beginning, the CMCA has overcome the necessity to circulate professional information matching its members and partners’ interests. Firstly, through l’Agenda de l’Audiovisuel en Méditerranée, directed and broadcast on a quarterly basis by the CMCA ; then, with Méditerranée Audiovisuelle – La Lettre, monthly newsletter released through e-mail to almost 5.000 subscribers, in 25 countries of the Mediterranean basin.
SEE AND SHOW : the CMCA initiated the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and News films, an event allowing the promotion and confrontation of the documentaries, reportages et magazines about the Mediterranean basin, not only within the circle of its members and partners but also for the various audiovisual professionals.
EXCHANGE : “If after the workshops, the film directors create works of art, if those works are rewarded or “awarded” , they should have the opportunity to be diffused by the broadcasting groups of the Mediterranean basin. Yet, a major barrier prevents this diffusion : the linguistic barrier”. To face this problem, the CMCA proposes the creation of a Fonds d’Aide à la Circulation d’ Œuvres d’art en Méditerranée or FACOM (Funds for the Circulation of Works of Art in the Mediterranean basin). These funds would allow to cover the costs of translation / adaptation and dubbing / subtitling, more than necessary when it comes to documentaries and reportages.
The history |
1986: Creation of the CMCA as a department of the Université Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale (URTI)
1990: The CMCA moves to Marseille
1994: 1st International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and News Film
1995: The CMCA becomes an independent international association
1997: 1st series of documentary co-productions involving television companies of the Mediterranean region: “Chroniques Méditerranéennes”
2001: The CMCA goes on-line at
2001: The newsletter “Méditerranée Audiovisuelle – La Lettre” created
2003: The Festival web-site goes on-line at
2007: Launch of the documentary series « Carnets de la Méditerranée”
The CMCA partner of the Centre Régional de la Méditerranée.
2008: Another branch of the web-site created to show clips from documentaries
2009: The International Festival of Mediterranean and News films is organised in Marseilles – Patrick de Carolis is the new chairman of CMCA
Click here to download the official presentation of CMCA
Contact us |
96, La Canebière
Marseille / 13001
Tél : 33.(0)
Fax : 33.(0)