52 minutes, 2015
Director: Jonathan CADIOT (France)
Production Company: Talweg Production (France), Road 2 Films (Liban), Histoire (France), Al Jazeera Documentary (Qatar), with the support of TV5 Monde (France), Radio Télévision Suisse, RSI (Switzerland), RDI Radio Canada (Canada)

In recent years, political and sectarian tensions in Lebanon have become such that the military have replaced supporters at football matches. Historically, football, politics and religion are inseparable there. Every community has a football club, each funded by a political party. In this context, Nejmeh’s club is exception. The most popular team in the country, its players and fans are of all faiths. They call themselves “the incredible people of Nejmeh”.
Tracing the club’s history shows another Lebanon and brings a new reading to the country’s religious-political history since 1945. Above all, Nejmeh seems to have resisted all crises, all wars and embodies for many the allegory of a united, ideal Lebanon.

Jonathan CADIOT
Having studied geography, specialising in developing countries, Jonathan CADIOT made his first documentaries in Latin America: “Sin maiz no hay pais” and “Par la raison ou par la force”. In both Mexico and Chile he became interested in social issues connected to the indigenous peoples. “Le Peuple de Nejmeh” is his first historical film.