60 minutes, 2020
Director : Stefano CECCARELLI (Italy) et Gabriele ANASTASIO (Italy)
Production : Laboratorio di Cinema Gabriele Anastasio (Italy), Stefano Ceccarelli (Italy), Regione Umbria (Italy)

Amori opens with a tribute to Pasolini and his film “Comizi d’amore”, in which, microphone in hand, the film-maker was already questioning Italians of the 1960’s about their sexual mores and their experiences of intimate relationships.
Amori takes us on a journey exploring the many facets of contemporary love. The abiding feeling is also the most unfathomable, to the point where a single voice is not enough to describe it. A documentary about love, about those who love and who are loved.

Stefano CECCARELLI was born in 1982 in Fano, Italy. Since 2012 he has lived in Perugia. He began to frequent the Laboratorio di Cinema Gabriele Anastasio and then to collaborate there. First as cameraman and as editor, he now specializes in directing.

Gabriele ANASTASIO was born in 1959 in Castellammare di Stabia. For several years he has lived in Perugia where he works in the field of theatre and cinema. In 2001 he founded the Laboratorio di Cinema Gabriele Anastasio in Perugia.

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