

68 minutes, 2021
Director : Keti STAMO (Albania)
Production : MARGO Cinema (France), ANIMA PICTURES (Albania), YOUNG FILMS PRODUCTIONS (Italy), in collaboration with RAI Cinema and under the patronage of Amnesty International Italy

“Cain’s children” takes place in a small village in northern Albania. Here time has stood still, and the strict rules of an ancient code (Kanun) dictate the life and death of the inhabitants.

Born in Tirana in 1982, Keti STAMO is a scriptwriter and film-maker educated in Italy and Switzerland. Having obtained a degree in Psychology and a Masters in Criminology, she studied the relationship between psychology and cinema. Subsequently she worked with several NGO’s to promote education through the arts. Employed by Amnesty International, she creates dream workshops in refugee camps in Greece. With actor Ashraf BARHOM, she works on different aspects of migration, building psychodrama techniques with groups of Syrian children stuck in the camps. The Children of Cain is her first feature film.

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