50 minutes, 2014
Directors: Agnès SKLAVOS (Greece) and Stelios TATAKIS (Greece)
Production Company: Tatakis AV Productions (Greece)

June 1914. Just before the outbreak of the First World War, the entire Greek population living on the coast of Asia Minor (now Turkey) had to evacuate their villages and flee to Greece, abandoning homes and land.
This expulsion, happening during a difficult political and diplomatic period, did not have the impact one might have expected.
At the time French archaeologist Felix Sartiaux, and three colleagues were in the region on an archaeological mission to discover traces of the city of Phocaea (now Foça in Turkey).
They were not only witnesses of this sudden attack but managed to save and help a considerable number of Greeks in their flight.

Agnès SKLAVOS was born in London. She studied French literature at Athens University and film directing at the Stavrakos film school.
She worked as assistant and first assistant on several Greek feature films. Her first film as a director, “O Kir Orpheas” (2004), won the Greek Best Documentary at the 6th Kalamata International Documentary Festival.
For 12 years she has been making TV series, shorts and documentaries.

Stelios TATAKIS was born in Athens. He studied IT programming at Delta and lighting camerawork at the Stavrakos film school.
Since 1991 he has worked as an editor, DP, director, GFX and post-production supervisor, editing TV commercials, industrial films and features.

Together they have the following credits: “Ta kolitiria – Playing with Shadows” (documentary, 2012); “White & Blue” (short film 2012), “Heaven On-line” (short film 2012) and “Extreme Walks” (short film 2011).


71 minutes, 2014
Directors: Delphine DELOGET (France) and Cécile ALLEGRA (France)
Production Company: Memento, Public Sénat, with the support of France Télévisions (France)

Since 2009, trading in humans has been rampant in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. The victims, mostly Eritrean, are kidnapped there and tortured until an exorbitant ransom is paid. Robel, Germay, Filmon Halefom survived these torture camps. Through their words and actions recorded in the privacy of their rooms, the film traces their long journey to the heart of human cruelty. From Stockholm to Cairo, where they found refuge, each survivor recounts a nightmare mental exile which “Voyage en Barbarie” tries to recreate step by step.

Delphine DELOGET and Cécile ALLEGRA make documentaries for ARTE, France 3 and France 5. Delphine’s long “No London Today”, winning awards at several festivals, was shown at the Cannes Festival by ACID. Winner of the Villa Médicis hors les murs for “Qui se souvient de Minik?”, Delphine’s long drama film “Finistère” also won a Beaumarchais Foundation award, and the CNC quality award for a short drama co-produced by France 3.
Cécile worked as a journalist on Le Monde. Her film  “Haïti, la blessure de l’âme” was a finalist for the Albert Londres Award and selected for several festivals, including Figra. Winner of SCAM’s Brouillon d’un rêve award for “La Brigade”, she is finishing a book (ed. Stock) about the re-emergence of child labour in Europe, based on her film “Une enfance au travail” shown on France 3.


88 minutes, 2013
Réalisation : Agostino FERRENTE (Italie) et Giovanni PIPERNO (Italie)
Production : Pirata M.C., Parallelo 41, Point Film, Ipotesi Cinema, Bianca Film (Italie)

In Naples, time does not exist. It’s a popular belief, a superstition, a good luck charm, a joke, a song. In Naples, we spend our time waiting, and then, suddenly, we spend it remembering. Will beautiful things happen? Have they already passed? The film compares four lives in the Naples of 1999 – full of hope – and the Naples of today, completely paralyzed. Four young Neapolitans give us to see the burden of becoming adults: Fabio and Enzo, two boys of 12 years , always children … and Adele and Silvana, two girls of 14 years … Four looks full of beauty, sadness, ingenuity, fragility, fear, hope and cynicism.

Agostino FERRENTE, director, producer and Artistic Director, was born in 1971 in Cerignola, Italy. Assistant director of Silvano Agosti and Nico Cirasola, he obtained his first recognitions in international festivals for his short films “Poco più della metà di zero” in 1993, and “Opinioni di un pirla” in 1994. He then directed with Giovanni Piperno two award-winning documentaries: “Intervista a mia madre” and “Il film di Mario”. In 2001, he founded Apollo 11 in Rome to save the Apollo theater-theater, which was to be transformed into a playroom. With Mario Tronco, of the Avion Travel group, he creates in the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio which will become a documentary film in 2006, “The Orchestra of Piazza Vittorio”, winner of the Prize Art, Heritage and Cultures of the Mediterranean at PriMed 2007 .

Giovanni PIPERNO was born in 1964. He studied photography. He worked as a photographer, operator on several films and commercials, and from 1992 started producing and directing videos and documentaries, and TV shows. His documentary “L’Esplosione” won the Torino Film Festival 2003. Among his latest documentaries: “Il pezzo mancante”, 2010, 71 ‘; “The Danza delle Api”, 2008, 46 ‘; “This is my sister”, 2006, 58 ‘; “L’Esplosione”, 2003, 75 ‘; “Scusi, dov’è il documentario?”, 2003, 18 ‘


73 minutes, 2014
Director: Iva RADIVOJEVIC (Croatia)
Production Company: ivaasks Films (United-States)

“Evaporating Borders” is a broad visual essay on the restrictive policy of some countries vis-a-vis migrant populations.
Guided by the director’s curiosity and her personal reflections, the film dissects the experience of asylum seekers in Cyprus. Through a series of vignettes, it poetically weaves the themes of migration, tolerance, identity and belonging.
Click here to see an extract.

Iva RADIVOJEVIC is a director. She spent her early years in Yugoslavia and Cyprus, before settling in New York.
Her films explore the themes of identity and migration.


117 minutes, 2015
Director : Yorgos AVGEROPOULOS (Greece)
Production : Small Planet (Greece), WDR (Germany), Al Jazeera Arabic (Qatar)

Having spent years observing the world, director Yorgos Avgeropoulos turns his camera to his own country: Greece. He films the development of the financial crisis, its impact on lives, in every social class. He witnesses street demonstrations, solidarity movements, but also the rise of political extremism. He interviews influential personalities, experts and policy makers in search of answers, to overcome an unprecedented crisis.
Click here to see extract.

Yorgos AVGEROPOULOS was born in Athens in 1971. He is a journalist and documentary film-maker working for Greek television channels. He was a correspondent during the conflicts in Bosnia, Croatia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and Palestine. In 2000 he created the series “Exandas”, making over 100 documentaries broadcast on Greek state television and worldwide.
Among his latest documentaries: “Agorá” (2015), “The Lost Signal of Democracy” (2014, winner of the Reportage Award at the 2014 PriMed), “People and Numbers” (2013), “El Sistema – Saving Lives” (2013), “Golden Times: Cassandra’s Treasure” (2012), “Black Vilva” (2012), “Charity, Diplomacy and Business” (2012), “The Midas Effect” (2011) and “Stealing from the Poor” (2011).


89 minutes, 2013
Direction : Tamara ERDE (France, Israel)
Production : Iliade & Films (France), Saya (France)


How do Palestinian and Israeli school curricula tackle their country’s history? “This is my land” follows several Israeli and Palestinian teachers throughout a school year. By looking at the various government-imposed programmes and everyday reality in the classroom, Tamara Erde offers a unique view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its profound and lasting impact on future generations.



55 minutes, 2012
Direction : Grégory FONTANA (France) and Rachid OUJDI (France)
Production : Comic Strip Production (France), Images Plus Télévision Vosges (France)


The arrival of rugby football in a small Moroccan town caused a strange, oval revolution amongst its inhabitants. Forgotten by everyone, these men and women whose daily life is little more than a struggle to survive, found a dignity and even a hope for the future of their children in the sport. The area of cultivated grass, in the middle of nowhere, came about through the energy of local kids. All these efforts are due to the dynamism of Papa Ali and Papa Hassan, both former rugby players brought up in working class districts who teach children the values ​​of living together though the rules of the sport. The film shows us the boys and the girls whose families have been able to overcome their prejudices so they can play together on the field. All now hope that the unique experience of “Les Enfants de l’ovale” will bring about a change in the Moroccan society.