57 minutes, 2018
Réalisation : Georges-Marc BENAMOU et Jean-Charles DENIAU (France)
Production : Siècle Productions (France), avec la participation de Toute l’Histoire et France Télévisions
Oran, July 5th 1962. As jubilant Algerians celebrated independence, the party turned to tragedy. 700 inhabitants, Europeans and Muslims, who had chosen to move to France were massacred within a few hours. The remorseless hunting down of victims, which began mysteriously, lasted all day, under the passive gaze of the French army, confined to their barracks on the orders of President de Gaulle.
Georges-Marc BENAMOU created Siècle Productions in 2009.
Working mainly with France 3, France 5 or Arte, Siècle Productions makes between five and ten films a year, with the documentary being its main pillar. A few of its productions: “Robert Mitchum, le mauvais garçon d’Hollywood“, “Mai 68, les coulisses de la révolte“, “Brigitte Macron, un roman français“, “La Traversée“, “Nos années Julien Clerc“.
Jean-Charles DENIAU is a documentary film maker and author.
Among his latest films: “Balladur Chirac – mensonges et trahisons” (2016, 60 minutes), “Profession Homme d’État” (2016, 52 minutes), “Ethiopie, le pays des origines” (2016, 80 minutes), “Il était une fois dans l’ouest – Le roman noir des Hauts de Seine” (2015, 60 minutes), “Karpov-Kasparov, deux rois pour une couronne” (2014, 53 minutes).