Registrations for PriMed 2015 are closed
Thanks for your participation, the list of selected films will be published soon.
Le The PriMed – International Festival of Mediterranean documentary Film and Reportage is open to all directors, producers and distributors who, through their programmes or films, contribute to a better understanding of the countries of the Mediterranean basin in its widest sense, from the Atlantic coasts to the Black Sea. The audiovisual works presented should be about the culture, heritage, history, societies and life of the men and women living in Mediterranean countries. They must not contain any form of advertising or propaganda. Each work can only be entered for one category, and the choice must be clearly indicated in the applic ation form.
The presented works:
– must have been produced after January 1st, 2013 ;
– must not have already been submitted to a previous edition of PriMed;
– in the case of a documentary series or a film with more than one episode, only one episode can be submitted;
– in the case of a co-production, the programme may only be entered into the competition by one of the producers, with prior agreement from the other partners. The name of all the co-producers must be included in the application form.