107 minutes, 2014
Director: François VERSTER (South Africa)
Production Company: Undercurrent Film & Television (South Africa), Fireworx Media (South Africa), Middlewest Films (Egypt), Melia Films (France)

“The Dream of Shahrazad” is a documentary showing recent political events in North Africa and the Middle East through the wider historical and cultural heritage of the famous collection of stories The Arabian Nights.
Using the metaphor of Shahrazad or Scheherazade – the princess who saves lives by telling stories at night – and filmed before, during and after the Arab Spring, the documentary weaves a canvas of music, politics and storytelling to explore ways through which creativity and political commitment can oppose oppression.
A series of characters drawing their inspiration from the Arabian Nights and putting their creativity at the service of political use – like Shahrazad.

François VERSTER
D’origine sud-africaine, François VERSTER est écrivain, musicien et cinéaste.
Il a travaillé pour l’industrie du cinéma de New York et du Royaume-Uni.
Ses films se caractérisent par des approches créatives et d’observation à des questions sociales : “Sea Point Days” (2009), “The mothers’ house” (2006), “A lion’s trail” (2002) et “When the war is over” (2002), entre autres. Il enseigne le cinéma documentaire dans plusieurs universités.