For the 23rd edition of PriMed we received 473 films from 37 countries. Here you can see the statistics of the recorded movies.
To discover the analysis of PriMed’s films for the period 2002/2018 you can visit the dedicated page > Analysis of registered films
The PriMed aims to promote and reward programs whose quality and creativity, both in content and in art forms, are remarcable. This event is open to all television organizations (public or private), production structures (public, private or associations), writers, directors, journalists and documentary filmmakers who, through their works and their programs, want to participate to a better understanding of the Mediterranean history, cultures and traditions.
This festival arrives to his 23rd edition and it is finalized to promote mutual knowledge and professional exchanges. This Price is also an opportunity for an annual meeting between audiovisual professionals and it contributes to develop dialogue and cooperation between all countries of the Mediterranean.
All the history >> HERE
Le CMCA is the main organizer of PriMed, HERE other sponsors.