14 minutes, 2019
Director : Anne RAVEAU (France) et Nicolas TRAVAUX (France)
Production : University of Aix-Marseille – département SATIS (France)
A large, transportable map of France, with Algerian towns superimposed in large format over different neighbourhoods of Marseille. It immediately illustrates the difficulties in talking about Franco-Algerian relations. The reactions are spontaneous, diverse and often lively. At the same time, in key places in Marseille small groups react to the map. At first spontaneous, what is said in front of the map gradually becomes more structured, some opinions are based on personal experience, others generalisations and re-hashing of history.
After studying at the IAD Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Belgium in the image section, Anne Raveau began to work in image management and then in production as an assistant. She then joined SATIS in Aubagne.
Nicolas Travaux studied performing arts in Montpellier. He then became involved in volunteer projects as cameraman or director. It was by joining the SATIS special photography course that he produced the documentary “La terre passe”. This allowed him to deal with two subjects which are important for him: colonialism and its heritage.