14 minutes, 2019
Directors : Anna-Paula HÖNIG (Germany, Argentina) and Violeta PAUS (Chile)
Production : Triade Films (France)
An apparent calm reigns at the City Plaza Hotel in Athens. This once abandoned building is now gradually filling with people driven from their homes by war.
Zhenos is eleven and lives in the hotel with her family, in a state of constant uncertainty. The film shows the complex reality of a young Afghan girl whose dreams are haunted by dark memories.
Anna-Paula HÖNIG was born in Berlin in 1981.Having studied international relations in the Sorbonne and at King’s College London, she worked as a journalist. In 2010 she studied film at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. She made short films there — “Les couleurs d’Helena” and “Catalina et le Soleil“.
was born in Santago, Chile, in 1987. She studied film in Argentine at
the UBA University in Buenos Aires.
Her first long film “Ajawaska, fragmentos de un viaje a las alturas” (2013) was a documentary shot in the mountains of Peru. In 2014 she moved to Paris where she worked on the multimedia installation “Sin Panteón” (2015). In Paris she works as festival programmer for Silence on Court! and as an editor for YessirFilm. Currently she is making a multimedia installation in Chile, “Re.incorporar” (2018), about women murdered in South America.