PriMed news


53 minutes, 2014
Direction : Virginie LINHART (France)
Production : Cinétévé (France)


Vanja, Adnan, Nadja, Nijaz and Sejla were 9, 8, 2, 12 and 13 when war broke out in Sarajevo in 1992. Seriously wounded, they were sent to France to be looked after. They spent several years there, and during that time they recorded messages for their families who were prisoners of the siege of Sarajevo. 20 years later they look at those forgotten images and remember.


PriMed news


53 minutes, 2012
Direction : Fabrizio GALATEA (Italy)
Production : Zenit Arti Audiovisive (Italy)


1962, the world is facing the biggest crisis of modern times: the Cuban missile crisis and the nightmare of nuclear war. Unexpectedly, the front-line moves to Murgia, a small, impoverished sub- region of Apulia in southern Italy. On these hills, the Jupiter missiles pose a threat to the farmers and shepherds who live there. This forgotten land becomes the theatre of the struggle between the USSR and the United States.


PriMed news


52 minutes, 2014
Direction : Nedim LONCAREVIC (France, Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Production : Equipage (France)


On 28 June 1914 the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie were assassinated in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a young Serbian nationalist.
A few weeks after the attack, the whole of Europe was at war and the police investigation was never really completed. Paul Gradvohl, a specialist in Central European history, decided to reopen an investigation begun a century ago.
He went to Sarajevo, visited the scene of the crime, appealed to colleagues in Sarajevo, Belgrade, Paris and Vienna, researched archives, confronted the different theories… working with many new or unknown images to reconstruct the murder.
Was the assassination a spontaneous act by young nationalist? Or was there a master-mind behind it? Who wanted war?
Return to the attack which was the first act of the Great War.


PriMed news


83 minutes, 2013
Direction : Dalila ENNADRE (France, Morocco)
Production : Label Vidéo (France), France Télévisions (France), Télé Bocal (France), Djinn (Algérie), Dubai Entertainment and Media Organization (United Arab Emirates)


Like a spirit which refuses to die, Casablanca’s old Medina, incarnated by a voice, leads us to its inhabitants. Taken in the midst of everyday life, the stories of their lives reveal a truly universal human tragedy, where the poetry of drama is always appreciated. Rejection, injustice, survival, muddling through since the dawn of time – all this is somehow in all of them or never far away. But there is something else: the beauty, the poetry of the place, the tremendous energy, joy and passion for life!
This film is a story, one of many possible stories about the Medina, a way to rub recent social history and make it into cinema.


PriMed news

Pre-selection of PriMed 2014

logo-raiThe Preselection Jury of PriMed 2014 will be organised in Rome from 26 to 30 May 2014, in the offices of RAI (Italian Radio Television).
The list of selected films will be announced soon.

For this 18th edition of PriMed 543 films have been received from 39 countries, again a new record for registration in our Festival.

Soon online statistics for PriMed 2014.

Here the list of Jurys :
Bernadette CARRANZA – producer
Elisabeth CESTOR – MuCEM Marseille
Gaëlle CUESTA – Villa Méditerranée Marseille
Faten FRADI – International Cooperation
Nathalie GALESNE – BabelMed
Marie-Christine HELIAS-SARRE – INA Méditerranée
Dalila HIAOUI – Writer
Zouhair LOUASSINI – Journalist RAI
Fabio MANCINI – Commissioning Editor RAI3
Sami SADAK – BabelMed Music Marseille
Raffaella ROSSETTI – International Cooperation



18th edition December 8/13 – 2014

[important]Click here to see the list of selecte films for PriMed 2014 !

The trailers of films will be online soon[/important]

The PriMed, International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary film and reportage is an international competition that takes place every year. It is designed for audiovisual productions in the specific area of documentary films, courrent affair and investigations films dealing with issues of cultural Mediterranean area from the Atlantic coast to the shores of the Black Sea.

logo PriMedThe PriMed aims to promote and reward programs whose quality and creativity, both in content and in art forms, are remarcable. This event is open to all television organizations (public or private), production structures (public, private or associations), writers, directors, journalists and documentary filmmakers who, through their works and their programs, want to participate to a better understanding of the Mediterranean history, cultures and traditions.

The PriMed is finalized to promote mutual knowledge and professional exchanges. This Price is also an opportunity for an annual meeting between audiovisual professionals and it contributes to develop dialogue and cooperation between all countries of the Mediterranean


The PriMed is open to all film makers, television and production companies who, through their programmes or films, are part of the process of cultural exchange between countries of the Mediterranean basin in its widest sense, from the Atlantic to the Black Sea.
The works presented should be about the culture, heritage, history, societies and life of the men and women living in Mediterranean countries. They must not contain any form of advertising or propaganda. Each work can only be entered for one category, and the choice must be clearly indicated in the registration form.
Registration for the PriMed is free.


14 Awards are given to the films in competition


Grand Prix “Mediterranean Challenges”: this prize is given to the best film (documentary or current affairs film) on a current Mediterranean subject, lasting more than 30 minutes. It picks out productions which improve our understanding of the present situation in the Mediterranean and rewards a director’s skill at questioning events and putting them into perspective, as well as his capacity to listen to the principal characters.
“Mediterranean Memories”: this prize rewards the documentary lasting more than 30 minutes, which – with or without archives – most successfully places in a present-day context historical events concerning the Mediterranean, stories of men and women, whether individual or collective, or places of symbolism and memory.
“First Film” : this award recognizes the talent of a film maker who made no more than three films. Works produced as part of a school or training can also compete. Running time must exceed 30 minutes.
“Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures” : this prize rewards the documentary film lasting more than 30 minutes, which highlights the region’s artistic life (music, plastic arts, live theatre, visual arts), its heritage (sites, monuments, works of art, archaeology, architecture) and other instances of Mediterranean culture (folklore and traditions).
“Mediterranean Reportage” : this award is for the best currents affairs film, the best investigation which gets to the heart of an event, past or present, within the Mediterranean region. The duration of the work must exceed 30 minutes.
Special Jury Award , all categories together. This prize rewards a film that has not received any other prize but which the jury considers of special merit.
Young Persons Award, given by a jury of schoolboys. It rewards one of the films chosen between one of the category of the PriMed (category to determine).
“Mediterranean Short Doc” : this award is for a documentary or a currents affairs film – lasting less than 30 minutes – whose subject is about Mediterranean area.
“Mediterranean Multimedia”: this prize rewards the web-documentary or POM (Petite OEuvre Multimédia / Little Multimedia Object) about Mediterranean subjects. A web-documentary is a documentary production made for and available on the Web, using pictures, texts, sounds, videos, in an interactive dimension. The POM (Petite Oeuvre Multimédia / Little Multimedia Object) is a video production which combines photographer, filmmaker, web designer, sound designer and illustrator. This is a video editing animating the images, giving them a third dimension and with a direct approach to the subject. These awards are for the directors and authors of the work concerned.

Broadcasting Awards
In addition, broadcasting awards may be given by representatives of the television companies and are entirely at their discretion. They will be chosen from amongst any of the films in the final selection. The broadcast of any work thus rewarded has to be agreed individually between the broadcaster and the makers of the film. The same film cannot win more than two awards (except for the broadcasting award).

actu inscription PriMed Archives

PriMed 2013

The figures for PriMed 2013 and the Mediterranean Broadcasting Week

The 17th PriMed, the festival of the Mediterranean in images, ran from June 17th to 22nd 2013 at the MuCEM (the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations) and the Villa Méditerranée: two key sites of Marseille-Provence 2013 European Culture Capital .


PriMed 2013-the electricité26 films from 14 countries were shown to the public in a total of 40 hours of free screenings.

10 of these 26 films were shown for the first time in France. 4,000 people came to the screenings during the PriMed week. 35 directors and producers from 18 countries represented their films in competition.

In all 650 people came to the Awards Ceremony and the two PriMed discussions, which hosted 30 contributors, including 8 channel chairmen or managing directors. They were in Marseille for the first summit of Mediterranean television company chairmen.

remise des prix primed 2013 produire-en-med--primed2013-3

There were 9 Awards, with a combined value of 41,000 euros, plus 3 Broadcasting Awards.

Le 1er sommet des présidents des télévisions

– 100,000 people in the Old Port for the Fête de la Musique, organised and broadcast by France Télévisions on a proposition by the CMCA. The broadcast topped the ratings, reaching 4½ million viewers.

PRIMED INFOPRIMED INFO - PresentationRemy Pflimlin interviewé par les journalistes du PriMed INFO

Le “PriMed INFO”, journal télévisé du Festival a été diffusé tous le jours de la manifestation sur la web tv du CMCA et sur les sites partenaires de France3 Provence-Alpes et France3 Corse.

Retrouvez ici toutes les émissions

Le PriMed 2013 en vidéo :

PriMed news

17th edition – Marseille 2013

Welcome (s) on the page of the 17th edition of priMED.

This edition was held in Marseille, in the context of events in the year “European Capital of Culture”. Projections, meetings and the awards are held in MuCEM et and Villa Méditerranée.

PriMed 2013 has seen the participation of the Presidents of the Mediterranean TV , came to Marseille for the first international summit hosted by France Télévisions. The 17th edition of priMED was included in the program of “audiovisual Week of the Mediterranean”, an event which was concluded with the celebration of music in the Old Port.

Here the special number of “Méditerranée Audiovisuelle” dedicated to PriMed.

The trailer of PriMed 2013

Realization : Franco F. Revelli

Tv spot

Realization : Franco F. Revelli

The map of films

Click on the title.

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France Télévisions Grand Prix “Mediterranean Issues3

Dance of Outlaws

by Mohamed El Aboudi (Morocco, Finland)

sponsored by France Télévisions (6000 euros)

Mediterranean Memory Award

In Utero Srebrenica by Giuseppe Carrieri (Italy)

Sponsored by INA (5000 euros)

Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures Award

A House for Bernarda Alba de Lidia Peralta Garcia (Spain)

Sponsored by Ville de Marseille (5000 euros)

La conférence "Produire en Méditerranée"

Mediterranean Reportage Award

Le Martyre des sept moines de Tibhirine by Malik Ait-Aoudia (Algeria) and Séverine Labat (France)

Sponsored by par Radio France (5000 euros)

First Film Award

Ich Liebe Dich de Emine Emel Balci (Turkey)

Sponsored by Rai Radio Televisione Italiana (5000 euros)

Short film award

Garbage by Burak Türten (Turkey)

Sponsored by Marseille Provence 2013 (2500 euros)

Multimedia Awards

Dans les murs de la Casbah by Céline Dréan (France)

sponsored by Orange (2500 euros)

Young Public – MPM Junior Averroès Award

A House for Bernarda Alba by Lidia Peralta Garcia (Spain)

sponsored by par MPM Marseille Provence Métropole (5000 euros)

Special jury award

Le thé ou l’électricité by Jérôme Le Maire (Belgium)

Sponsored by la CTC Collectivité Territoriale Corse (5000 euros)

Rémy Pflimlin et François Jacquel

ASBU special mention

Troufions by Thierry Demaizière and Alban Teurlai (France)

Broadcasting awards :

TV5 Monde

Guerre d’Algérie, la déchirure by Gabriel Le Bomin et Benjamin STORA (France)

France 3 Corse ViaStella

Italy, Love it, or leave it by Gustav Hofer and Luca Ragazzi (Italy)

Rai Tre

Five broken Cameras by Emad Burnat (Palestinia) et Guy Davidi (Israel)

In the presence of Rémy Pflimlin, President of France Televisions, and for the first time in Marseille, of the Presidents of the Mediterranean televisions.

PriMed Awards Ceremony

The 17th edition of the Awards ceremony, presented by Carine Aigon and broadcasted live from the MuCEM on websites of PriMed and France 3 Provence, was a true celebration of the Mediterranean. .. in images.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand , sponsor of priMED 2013, opened the festivities with the first images of his new documentary, “Mediterranean, A Natural History” (click here to see these exclusive pictures!).

Video on demand at CMCA webtv :

primed2013-remise-des-prix primed2013-remise-des-prix primed2013-remise-des-prix primed2013-remise-des-prix primed2013-remise-des-prix primed2013-remise-des-prix


Rémy Pflimlin interviewé par les journalistes du PriMed INFO
Rémy Pflimlin interviewé par les journalistes du PriMed INFO

Le PRIMED INFO est un projet qui naît de la collaboration entre la webtv du CMCA et l’IEJ Marseille.

Read more “17th edition – Marseille 2013”